July - August, 2023
Oulu, Finland
OULO-AiR is an artist-in-residence programme run by the Kulttuuribingo Ry located in the city of Oulu in northern Finland. The purpose of the residency is to enrich Oulu’s art and cultural scene by welcoming artists and creative individuals to produce new work whilst living and working in the city.
The residency programme is organised by Kulttuuribingo and partnered with Kulttuuriosuuskunta ILME, Flow Productions, Pohjoinen valokuvakeskus / Photo North, Pikisaari Art Hub and OMVF. During the year 2023 Oulu-AiR is funded by Arts Promotion Center Finland.
Richard Humann spent the months of July and August, 2023 at OULU-AiR, in the live/work artist studio retreat program.