SSamzie Site-Specific

June – September, 2001

5-129 Changjeon-dong, Mapo-gu
Seoul, South Korea

Richard Humann_SSamzie Space

SSamzie Site-Specific: Crossing Parallels Between Korean and American Artists 2001

SSamzie Site-Specific: Crossing Parallels Between Korean and American Artists 2001, hosted by SSamzie Space, is an international exchange exhibition between Korea and U.S.A.: eight Korean artists of the SSamzie Studio Program and seven American artists selected by the Lance Fung Gallery in New York.

This exhibition is a showcase of collaborated teamworks by the exchange artists after having shared residency, experience and friendship, distinguished itself from ordinary international group exhibitions that simply show the works of participating artists. With respective visits to counterparts’ studios in July and August, the 15 participating artists practice a ‘here & now’ aesthetic through their teamwork.

Korean and American artists at Ssamzie Studio Program, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2001.


Kemi Art Museum