Reader / Advisor
Urethane resin, video monitors, DVD players
15 x 4 x 10 in
38 x 10 x 25 cm
Richard Humann • Reader/Advisor • Urethane resin, video monitors, DVD players • 15” x 4” x 10” • 2001
Reader/Advisor is an installation of hands that have been cast in clear urethane resin and displayed, palms up, on the wall. Small video monitors are mounted inside the hands and display sayings from palm readers, or reader/advisors. The sayings are such as “you will live a long and healthy life”, “you will achieve fame and fortune”, “adventure awaits you”, and “your life does have meaning.” There are over 50 sayings in all and they are actual quotes from reader/advisors that Richard Humann went to in research of the sculptural installation.
Richard Humann • Reader/Advisor • Urethane resin, video monitors, DVD players • 15” x 4” x 10” • 2001
Photo credits: Daniel Meyer / Richard Humann Studio