
Slides, slide projectors
Variable dimensions

Richard Humann_Revolutions exhibition at Museo Cristóbal Gabarrón, Spain

Richard Humann • Revolutions at Museo Cristóbal Gabarrón, Mula, Spain

Under the title of Revolutions, Richard Humann creates this solo museum exhibition installation for Fundación Casa Pintada, Museo Cristóbal Gabarrón that utilizes eight slide projectors, and hundreds of slides projecting images on the walls of the museum that he developed to show transformation of weapons, shelters, animals, the wheel, tools, and other manmade devices throughout the history of humanity.

Albert Einstein is often quoted as having said: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Thus, the stone, as a tool, is transformed into a hammer to become a carpenter's stapler and then return to its origins back into a stone; the cave evolves into a hut, then a split ranch house, and then into a skyscraper, then back to a cave; the wolf slowly mutates into a miniature poodle; the wheel goes from being a stone to a train wheel; the food transmutes from a bison to cattle, to beef served on the plate; the stick transforms into spear, then a rifle and then a nuclear missile—and they all reverse themselves into the original form from where they came.

It is always a cyclical and possibly tragic process that returns the different elements to their primitive origins to start the path of evolution again.

Richard Humann_Revolutions exhibition at Museo Cristóbal Gabarrón, Spain

Richard Humann • Revolutions at Museo Cristóbal Gabarrón, Mula, Spain

Richard Humann_Revolutions exhibition at Museo Cristóbal Gabarrón, Spain

Richard Humann • Revolutions at Museo Cristóbal Gabarrón, Mula, Spain


Photo credits: Richard Humann Studio




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