Media Garden

Variable dimensions

Richard Humann_Media Garden newspaper art installation

In 2001, Richard Humann participated in a cross-cultural exchange between American and Korean artists. A collaborative exhibition was first held at Ssamzie Space in Seoul, Korea, and a month later at a New York gallery.

For the New York gallery, artists joined into collaborative groups to create work for the month-long exhibition. Extra Extra! was the self-titled name of the collaborative group that Richard was a part of, which consisted of Lars Chellberg, Richard Humann, Sanggil Kim, Yuseungho, and Yeondoo Jung.

Media Garden is the work that they produced. With New York City being a melting pot of religions, cultures, and many languages, Extra Extra! went to all five boroughs of the city where they gathered newspapers printed in multiple languages. Using the newspapers, they wallpapered the entire exterior space of the gallery. It is a garden of information, leisurely relaxation while being surrounded by news, thoughts and concepts of a news day in the world.

Richard Humann_Media Garden newspaper art installation
Richard Humann_Media Garden newspaper art installation
Richard Humann_Media Garden newspaper art installation

Richard Humann, Lars Chellberg, Sanggil Kim, Yuseungho, and Yeondoo Jung on Broadway in front of Lance Fung Gallery, SoHo, New York City, 2001


Photo credits: Richard Humann Studio


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